

Do we really know the love of God? Do we understand the sacrifice He made for us? These past couple of weeks I really struggled with a few questions about God. It got me thinking and praying and seeking God for answers. And I realized that this is what faith is all about. If we know everything then what is there to have faith about? The fact is that we as human beings don’t have all the answers and will never understand things with our human minds. God has opened my eyes to see what His love is all about. The love He has for His people, all His people the good ones and the bad ones.

Let me clear this out, we live in a sinful world, where satan reigns and where people have a free will. God did not make us robots. He gave us a free will, so that we can chose the way for ourselves. Why do bad things happen, because people make bad decisions. Do I believe that God protects us, absolutely the one thing I don’t hesitate is that God loves me 100 percent and that He does not take pleasure watching us endure pain or suffering. The scripture talks about the narrow way and that it would not be easy. To become a Christian is not going to make your life easy to be real honest it is probably going to become more intense. Why? Because you become a threat to satan and he will do every thing in his power to destroy you. The thing we should remember is that through the turmoil God is with us, with or without God bad things are going to happen. How much better if you have God with you when you go through them. I know that in those bad times I always think to myself what would I have done if I did not have God in my life, how would I have endured those things. Satan tries to scare us from this world and all the bad things in it. Hettie Britz talks about satan throwing a black tablecloth over a table and telling us that underneath that table is your worst nightmare. You will never be able to overcome it, you will never be able to endure or receive healing for it. It will destroy you. Guys, how far from the truth is this? God has already overcome this world, David talks about it in Psalm 23: 1-5, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

We should not be scared of what can happen to us for God has our salvation and our spirit tightly wrapped in His hand, if we understand that whatever might happen to us here on earth can’t do anything to our salvation and to our spirit then there is nothing to fear about. Then your flesh becomes only a thing you use to do His great works. The fact that you can get hurt and bruised is not a factor to you, because you know that God has overcome all these lies satan tries to tell .Why are we scared when the time on earth is only temporary. If something bad happens to us God will bring the healing and He will restore you and you will not be broken. We should not fear the things satan can do to us, for God has conquered him and that God lives in us. The question is, are we willing to sacrifice ourselves? I know this is a hectic statement to make, but this is just how I felt when God gave me this revelation. That if I have to endure the bad things for someone else to receive Christ then so be it, if my flesh has to take a knock for His kingdom to grow bigger then I will take it. The flesh is only a time-capsule we live in. Soon the flesh will be something of the past and the lives God has won through you will be the reward you receive. This is when we truly love people when we are willing to sacrifice things for them to receive the salvation.

God is too big for us to wrap our tiny minds around Him, so stop asking too many questions and just believe that everything that happens in life God will use for good, that God loves us and that His heart is to give us the best. That we will never fully understand how things work we should just have faith that God is good and that He is light and in Him there is no darkness.

*Glory, glory, glory for He is absolutely amazing.